January 29, 2011

The Freshly-Fed Newlywed . What to Expect

This is NOT a meat-and-potatoes kinda house.  The goal here is healthy, veggie-based meals.  And while I am happy to say that we are a health-conscious couple, I must admit, it makes for some tricky menu planning.  “Veggies with a side of veggies, anyone?” 

For now, dinner consists of many one-pot dishes: healthy soups, vegetable casseroles and some experimentation with tofu.  On a personal level, one of my goals for having this blog is to inspire me to step out of my comfort zone in the kitchen and try to cook things I may have never tried before. 

While most meals will be of the meatless variety, it’s not to say that you won’t see the occasional poultry of fish dish here.  We practice the philosophy of Weekday Vegetarianism in this house.  Sound funny?  Learn more here:

It’s worth noting that this simple idea has completely reformed my husband from his previous Ultimate Carnivore state.  I, myself, have not eaten red meat or pork in 10+ years and only brought the white meat back into my diet about 5 years ago. We simply feel better—in more ways than one.

For more information on the idea of weekday vegetarianism and other Ideas Worth Spreading please visit TED.


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